Friday, April 8, 2011

My Secret Conscience

My Secret Conscience is my second book of my thoughts.  Often I have thoughts that surface from deep within and my mental ear hear tunes in to decipher what is being said. Thus it could depend on my mood or the situation, in which, I am in or facing. Even from a child, we hear the thoughts of reason, and are taught to label the voice as the Holy Spirit. It can be argued that these thoughts are primary developed in the conscience.  Man’s thoughts are primitive and stimulated by internal as well as external sources of influence.  These thoughts could also improve our living situations or make life a living hell. My first book “Life, Love, Whatever" explores the truth, obvious and facts, but fails to penetrate those hidden areas of life. In this book, I remove the layers of our minds that many are afraid to explore. I address issues that are avoided and shied away from in relationships, churches and even private therapy sessions. I challenge those thoughts that play devil’s advocate, and look the truth in the face. I have the courage to deal with my alter ego in unchartered territories. Until we find the courage to journey past our inhibitions, fears, flaws, hurts, and personal barriers; we will not develop the ability to hear our secret conscience.


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Keith "Ink Heart" Wrencher
My purpose in my writing my books are to serve as vessels of hope, faith, happiness, joy and love.
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