Sunday, September 18, 2011

Privacy and Trust

By Warren K. Wrencher Jr.

As a man, I have certain personal rules and principles. One rule is that I don't EVER go through a woman's purse, cell phone, texts, cell phone bill, email and may not open her postal mail. This isn't because of trust, it is much deeper than that!!! Much deeper...I will explain...

 I see and hear the extent that people go to guarantee trust. LMBO! Are you kidding me?! I am dealing with a GROWN woman, not a child. I recognize my own short comings and sincerely try to improve each day. I don't EVER want her to feel that she has to look over her shoulder. I love enough to let go, if I am not what a person needs! That being said, I never want to give her the feeling of guilt, when there is innocence. Why do you think people lose out on love? They force their presence and principles upon those they love. For me, yeah I am different, I believe in love reciprocation. Best believe, what you speak into your universe usually comes to past. Think about this, why do people think they can forced someone to commit to him/her, with the threat of catching them????

Men, women are smarter than you think! PLEASE repeat that to yourself. Now some of you are going on your instincts, and find yourself in all of this drama...blah blah blah. If I EVER have to play detective, why in the HELL will I want to live as such a relationship??? Now this is MY personal rule and principle. I see people losing sleep; I sleep good at night. I hear about people buying software and paying private investigators...blah blah blah. That's isn't how LOVE should be! There is a thought in my 2nd book that says "Who do women think that their intuition is correct, when they are full of inhibitions?" (My Secret Conscience)

Insecurity is an relationship KILLER! No matter the reason for it or the source, insecurity will plague your life and could cause you to question every motive and move. Word of advice: You can't make anybody be what you want them to be. Stop thinking that you can SAVE and change people. As a homeless man once told me, "Only God can change people". That was the best advice, that I never asked for, given by a stranger. That's my spill for today, be blessed!

~Keith Ink-Heart Wrencher


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Keith "Ink Heart" Wrencher
My purpose in my writing my books are to serve as vessels of hope, faith, happiness, joy and love.
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